

We are pleased to announce awardees as below.

ICEMS2024 Outstanding Paper Award


A Novel Single-Phase AC Power Supplied Dual-Inverter Topology with Integrated Rectifier
Taiju Sakurai1 and Hitoshi Haga2
1Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2Electrical and Electronics Engineering Course, Shizuoka University, Japan


High Slot Fill Aluminum Distributed Winding for Highspeed and High Power Density Electric Machines
Yuto Yamada, Jun Ebinuma, and Hiroya Sugimoto
Tokyo Denki University, Japan


Torque Ripple Suppression Control Using Parallel Resonant Controller and ANN in Position and Acceleration Sensorless Control of Stepping Motor
Mizuki Miyata and Sari Maekawa
Meiji University, Japan


Combined Fault Diagnosis of Stator and Rotor Windings in a PWM Inverter-fed Induction Motor Using Frequency Spectrum of Estimated Air-gap Torque
Keita Takehana, Hideaki Hirahara, and Shu Yamamoto
Polytechnic University, Japan

ICEMS2024 Excellent Paper Award


Increasing the Power Density of In-Wheel Motors using Direct-Drive Technology
Makoto Ito1, Testuya Suto1, Akeshi Takahashi2, Takafumi Hara1, and Ryuichiro Iwano1
1Hitachi, Ltd., Japan, 2Hitachi Astemo, Ltd., Japan


Temperature Impact on Insulation Lifetime During Electrical Endurance Tests
Yatai Ji1, Paolo Giangrande2, Weiduo Zhao3, Michael Galea4, Giampaolo Buticchi3, and Pinjia Zhang1
1Tsinghua University, China., 2University of Bergamo, Italy., 3University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, 4University of Malta, Malta


An Active Disturbance Rejection Control Strategy for the HVDC Generation System of More Electric Aircraft
Yankun Wang, Zhuoran Zhang, Yiming Yao, Heng Shi, Hanqi Li, and Jincai Li
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China


Iterative Learning Controller Based on Linear Extended State Observer for Six-degree-of-freedom Micro-motion Stage
Junchi Li, Mingyi Wang, Minghong Liu, Chengming Zhang, and Liyi Li
Harbin Institute of Technology, China


A Dual Three-phase LLC Resonant Converter with Phase Shedding Strategy for High Power Application
Xinghong Luo1, Xuliang Yao1, Yannan Gao2, and Jingfang Wang1
1Harbin Engineering University, China, 2Guangdong Ocean University, China


A Novel Phase-unit Axial-modular Permanent Magnet Machine with U-core Stators for Aerospace Propulsion System
Yanlei Yu1, Feng Chai2, Yulong Pei2, Guanghui Yang3, and Christopher H. T. Lee1
1Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 3Zhejiang University of Technology, China


Development of Asymmetrical Four-phase Bearingless Motor with Unequal-tooth-pitch Stator
Yoshinori Kamiya and Junichi Asama
Shizuoka University, Japan


Carrier-based Discontinuous PWM Strategy by Switching Clamp Modes for Vienna Rectifier with Unbalanced DC-links
Zhijian Zhang1, Bingxing Li1, Li Ding1, Nannan Zhao2, Ziming Hu2, Chengrui Li3, Gaolin Wang1, and Dianguo Xu1
1Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2Midea Group, China, 3Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China


A Novel Speed Measurement Algorithm Based on Linear Extended State Observer for Segmented Linear Induction Motors with Cooperative Control
Fan Manyi1,2, Liming Shi1,2, Yaohua Li1,2, Fei Xu1,2, and Zhang Bo1
1Key Laboratory of High Density Electromagnetic Power and Systems (Chinese Academy of Sciences), China, 2Shandong Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Conversion Technology (Institute of Electrical Engineering and Advanced Electromagnetic Drive Technology, Qilu Zhongke), China


Efficiency Improvement of Induction Motors with Novel Magnetic Slot Wedges
Shin Noguchi, Keiko Kikuchi, Kyohei Aimuta, and Hirohisa Sano
Proterial, Ltd., Japan

ICEMS2024 Incentive Paper Award


Evaluation of AC Copper Loss in High-speed & High-power Electric Machines
Takehiro Jikumaru1 and Hiroyuki Taira2
1IHI Corporation, Japan, 2IHI AEROSPACE Co., Ltd., Japan


Buck-boost Operation by Zero-sequence Current Control for Negative-point-connected Dual Inverter with Variable Voltage Capacitor
Akihito Mizukoshi1, Yushi Araki2, Tatsuki Kashihara2, and Koji Kobayashi2
1National Institute of Technology, Kisarazu College, Japan, 2Sanden Corporation, Japan


Seamless Switch of Control Mode Over Current Vector Control and Voltage Phase Control in IPMSM
Takumi Kokago and Keiichiro Kondo
Waseda University, Japan


Five-degree-of-freedom Active-suspended Axial Gap Self-bearing PMSM with Double Inner Stator
Satoshi Ueno, Kazuki Hara, and Chengan Zhao
Ritsumeikan University, Japan


Frequency Response Analysis of Magnetic Coupling and Magnetic Gear
Keigo Iwaki and Kenji Nakamura
Tohoku University, Japan


A New Control Method and Power Response of Power Compensator with Low Switching Frequency
Joungjin Seo and Hanju Cha
Chungnam National University, Korea


Torque Ripple Suppression Control in Medium to Highspeed Ranges with Position Sensorless Vector Control
Taiki Mikami, Keitaro Kawarazaki, and Nobukazu Hoshi
Tokyo University of Science, Japan


Application of Mn-zn Ferrite to Passive Common-noise Canceller Placed on Inverter DC Side
Jinxing Zhou and Koji Orikawa
Hokkaido University, Japan


Passive Cancellation for Reducing Input- and Outputside Common-mode Currents in Three-phase PWM Inverter-fed Motor Drive Systems
Shotaro Takahashi, Matoi Ono, and Ryosuke Kanbayashi
Akita University, Japan


Multi-vector Model Predictive Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Disturbance Compensation
Zhaoyi Wang1, Jialiang Dai1, Jungho Ahn1, Seungjoo Kim2, and Ju Lee1
1Hanyang University, Republic of Korea, 2Korea Testing Certification, Republic of Korea


Common Mode Voltage Suppression Method for Thirdharmonic Injection Two-stage Matrix Converter in Low Modulation Ratio
Yaotian Shi, Bo Zhou, Chengjia Lu, Qingyun Chang, and Yang Huang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China


Design and Analysis of Service Robot Motor with High Torque and High Back Drivability Focusing on the Torque/inertia Ratio
Toshihide Yamada1, Yoshihiro Okumatsu1, Hiroyuki Kaimori2, and Hideki Ohguchi3
1TOYOTA MOTOR Co., Japan, 2Science Solutions International Laboratory, Inc., Japan, 3Tokai Univ., Japan


Method for Enhancing the Stability Margin of the Magnetic Bearing-rotor System Based on a Novel Low Frequency Phase Shifter
Yang Yan1,2, Kun Wang1,2, Shiqiang Zheng1,2, Le Bo1,2, Min Zhang1,2, and Yucheng Ge1,2
1Beihang University, China, 2National Institute of Extremely-Weak Magnetic Field Infrastructure, China


Order Reduction-based Fault-tolerant Decoupling Control for Dual Three-phase PMSM with Two-phase Open-circuit Fault
Cong Huang, Wei Hu, Kan Liu, Jianbo Wang, Wen Li, Jing Zhou, Tao Peng, Wenrui Liu, and Chenkai Ma
Hunan University, China


Variable Gain Control of Nonlinear Suspension Force for Bearingless Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Motor Under Magnetic Saturation
Haonan Zou, Li Yu, Wei Chen, Zhongshan Luo, and Zhuoran Zhang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China


Decoupling of Magnetic Circuits between Combined Radial-axial Magnetic Bearing and Permanent Magnet Bearingless Motor
Hisato Nakamura1, Taichi Konno1, Hiroya Sugimoto1, Minoru Yoshida2, Ryo Takashima2, Chiharu Sumiyama2, and Tomihiro Kinjo3
1Tokyo Denki University, Japan, 2Maruwa Electronic Inc., Japan, 3Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan


Probabilistic Analysis of Partial Discharges in the Stator Winding Insulation for Electrified Aviation
Norman Blanken, Labassi Younes Laajouzi, and Bernd Ponick
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany


Model Predictive Sensorless Control with Highfrequency Square-wave-type Voltage Synchronized with Carrier
Takashi Mitsunaga1, Sari Maekawa1, Ryosuke Saito2, Yuki Kumakiri2, and Akira Nakazawa2
1Meiji University, Japan, 2Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corp., Japan


Development of a Bearingless PM Motor with Axial Magnetic Suspension Using Zero-Sequence Current
Yusuke Fujii, Koki Matsuda, and Kaito Tanaka
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

ICEMS2024 Student Paper Award


Online Capacitor Monitoring Strategy In 3L-NPC Inverter Driven Open Winding Multiphase Drives
Shusen Ni
Tsinghua University, China


Speed – Torque Range Expansion of In-wheel Axial-flux SR Motor for Compact EV
Shintaro Nagasawa
Tohoku University, Japan


Sensorless Control Strategy of Remote Area Autonomous PMSG-based Microgrids for Improving Redundancy
Xi Luo
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), China


Evaluation of Feasibility for Optimal Motor Design using Deep Q-network
Ji-Hoon Han
Hoseo University, Korea


Thrust Analysis of a Reluctance-based Magnetic Lead Screw with Flux-concentrating Structure
Hayate Ayuzawa
Nagoya University, Japan


Online MTPA Angle Search Method Using Flux Linkage Plane Estimation of SynRM
Souya Arakawa
Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan


Optimization Study of Torque in the IPMSM for E-bike Application
Jinming Hu
Harbin Institution of Technology, China


CFD Thermal Analysis of Axial-flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Water Cooling Channels for Underwater Propulsion Applications
Jang-Hyun Park
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, South Korea